Swim the Gulf of Mexico then bike and run along Gulf Shores’ iconic beach boulevard for the annual Brett/Robinson Alabama Coastal Triathlon and Tri-It-On sprint event Sept. 11, 2021, taking place at the Gulf Place Public Beach at The Hangout. The Olympic and sprint races are designated as the USA Triathlon 2021 Alabama State Championships for age group categories and high school triathletes.
“After having to cancel the triathlon in 2020, we are gearing up to bring back one of our signature events along Alabama’s beaches in the city of Gulf Shores,” said Michelle Russ, CSEE, vice president of sales for Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events. “We are blessed to share our natural venues – the beach and the Gulf of Mexico – with participants and their families during the Alabama Coastal Triathlon, and we encourage them to explore the destination before and after the race.”
The Olympic-length triathlon features a 1,500-meter Gulf swim followed by a 24.8-mile bike ride and 6-mile run along the scenic beach road. Those wanting to try a triathlon but are not quite ready for the real deal may register for the Tri-It-On sprint event, which includes a 300-yard swim, 12.4-mile bike ride and 2-mile run. Individuals and relay teams are welcome to register for either race, and there is a virtual option as well.
Registration and packet pick-up will take place at The Hangout Friday, Sept. 10, from 4-7 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 11, from 5:30-6:30 a.m. The triathlon begins at 7 a.m. with the sprint event starting shortly thereafter. The post-race party and awards ceremony will also take place at The Hangout.
Register now at Team-Magic.com, and book your weekend getaway at the beach with title sponsor Brett/Robinson Vacation Rentals. For more information on USA Triathlon State Championship guidelines and qualifications, go to TeamUSA.org/USA-Triathlon/Events/State-Championships.
For information on upcoming events along Alabama’s Gulf Coast, visit GSOBsports.com, or call 1-800-745-SAND.
About Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events:
Gulf Shores | Orange Beach Sports & Events is a partnership among Gulf Shores & Orange Beach Tourism (GSOBT), the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber, Gulf State Park and the cities of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. In 2007, the organization became a department within GSOBT. In this role, the GSOB Sports & Events – along with assistance from both cities – works to bring quality athletic and leisure events to Alabama’s Gulf Coast. To learn more about sports and events along Alabama’s 32 miles of white-sand beaches, please visit GSOBsports.com.
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