The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson (WLSL), a free worldwide sports activity with the goal of offering a beginner swim lesson in order to promote water safety, will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Information can be found on the site, http://www.worldslargestswimminglesson.org/.
All WLSL lessons being conducted as part of the world record attempt will take place simultaneously at 11am EST (3pm GMT). Local WLSL Host Locations will manage the schedule for individual participant registration and sign-in at their facility.
Registration is now open, meaning that facilities across the nation can sign up to host an event. In addition, the WLSL will attempt once again to break the Guinness World Record™ for most people taking a swimming lesson on one day.
The purpose of the activity is to help send the message that Swimming Lessons Save Lives™ to millions of kids and adults around the globe! With the 2012 record for the largest simultaneous swimming lesson standing at 24,873 participants, there is a big goal ahead of organizers in 2013. Organizers are turning to sports event professionals, facility operators and managers, sports commissions and more to get the word out and increase the number of hosting facilities.
To register as a host facility, go to the site, and click on the tab that says “Register,” then from the drop-down menu, select “Host Event.” Alternatively, those interested can key in http://www.worldslargestswimminglesson.org/teach/#register
Next, industry members can download the Save the Date kit to help build buzz around their event by sharing news about WLSL 2013 community calendars, e-newsletters, Facebook pages, websites, etc. The download includes the NEW WLSL logo, a Save The Date snipe and WLSL 2013 press release.
Drowning remains the leading cause of accidental death for kids ages 1-5; the goal of the WLSL is to teach everyone – adults, children, seniors and everyone in between – how to swim without fear.
For more information, go to http://www.worldslargestswimminglesson.org/.
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