USA Roller Sports has announced that the California Memorial Day Invitational will be held May 24-27 in Citrus Heights, California. Sunrise Rollerland will be the venue, and Sunrise Artistic Skate Club will host.
Gold Medal tests will also be conducted at the Memorial Day Invitational. In addition, the club has noted that it will be offering Super Tot Figures amd Freeskating for skaters 6 and under and an Olympic figure event for Special Olympians.
All USA/RS rules will be followed as outlined for the 2012-2013 season.
Information about the tournament itself can be obtained through Joyce Allen at 916-300-7555 or email sacsk8pro@gmail.com.
About USA Roller Sports: USA Roller Sports (USARS), formerly the United States Amateur Confederation of Roller Skating, is the national governing body of competitive roller sports (inline skating and roller skating) in the United States. It is recognized by the International Roller Sports Federation (FIRS) and the United States Olympic Committee. Roller sports disciplines include Artistic, Speed and Hockey categories. Other forms are recreation, jam skating and aggressive skating. (Note that Roller Derby is its own form of skating and is governed by the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association). The website for USA Roller Sports is http://www2.teamusa.org/USA-Roller-Sports.aspx
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