Who: More than 4,000 student-athletes from 231 teams will compete in this championship tournament. Competitors and spectators are expected to spend an estimated $556,307 at local area businesses while they are visiting the Rockford region and occupy 2,500 rooms at local area hotels and motels.
What: NXTsports, an industry leader in lacrosse education and event management, will host the 2022 MidAmerica Invitational – The Grail in the Rockford region this weekend. This championship format tournament includes participants in boys and girls 2023-2030 divisions.
When: Saturday, June 25 – Sunday, June 26, 2022
Games begin at 8 a.m.
Where: Mercyhealth Sportscore Two (27 fields)
8800 E. Riverside Boulevard, Loves Park, IL
Why: The NXTsports Lacrosse tournament allows youth athletes throughout the Midwest, as far away as Wisconsin, Minnesota and the greater Chicago area, to compete for top accolades in their respective high school and college level divisions. Additional information about the event can be found at www.nxtsports.com.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to host the 2022 Mid America Invitational and The Grail here in the Rockford region. This is a win for our region and we are working closely with our local hospitality partners to ensure it’s a success all weekend for our guests. All our best to the players competing,” said Lindsay Arellano, RACVB vice president of sales and servicing.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Lindsay Arellano, RACVB vice president of sales and service: 815.489.1653 /larellano@gorockford.com
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