The Manitoba Ball Hockey Association will be hosting over 40 youth teams from across Canada July 28-31 in Winnipeg. Teams will be selected from youth leagues which start in late April. The MBHA will be creating teams to compete in U19, U17 and U15 boys and U19 and U16 girls.
“Registration in the leagues has been fast and furious coming out of the pandemic and we expect to have some great talent to choose from. Ideally we would like to win gold in each division” says Jeff Dzikowicz, the association's Technical Director. “We will be represented by kids that play University hockey and Western Hockey League as well as AAA players throughout who view ball hockey as a great off season training sport, but don’t be fooled some of our greatest players were not top level ice hockey players”.
The MBHA is also working toward an Indigenous team in the U17 division and pushing for a Westman team in the U15 division. Registration for the youth league ends April 18 and if kids are interested in playing ball hockey, they need to register now as an individual or as a team at www.manitobaminorballhockey.com. Players will be selected from the league based on scouting or a tryout depending on the division.
Ball Hockey is a sport that is an economically friendly version of hockey played often during summer months. Leagues run from April until the end of June. Representatives have played across Canada and around the world as members of Team Manitoba and Team Canada to great success.
Hosting the Junior Nationals in August, the MBHA hopes to win each division which will lead to many of our players being selected for Team Canada and a chance at a world championship.
For further information, contact Manitoba Ball Hockey Association technical director JeffDzikowicz at 204 981-8188. Information can also be found at http://www.manitobaballhockey.com and https://www.manitobaminorballhockey.com
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