In addition to putting on its adult national bowling tournaments called the USBC Open Championships and the USBC Women's Championships, the U.S. Bowling Congress (USBC) will host a national championship for youth bowlers in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
The facility will be Sterling Lanes, located at 33200 Schoenherr Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48312. The dates of the event are July 18-28.
The USBC Youth Open is open to all USBC Youth members and is a non-qualifying tournament, which means those interested do not have to have a certain average, or have to qualify from a league or state tournament. Those who are USBC Youth members can bowl in the Youth Open.
At the USBC Youth Open, participants will bowl nine games total - three games each of singles, doubles and four-player team. The combined scores from those events will be the optional all-events score.
All scores are scratch, and doubles and singles events are bowled on the same day while team competition is on another day. Participants can request the specific squad dates and times when they want to compete, and may enter the team event without bowling singles and doubles. However, if the participants choose to compete in singles, they must also bowl doubles - just as all doubles pairs also must bowl in the singles event.
Boys and girls compete together on the lanes and in the tournament standings, except for all-events which tracks results of players in each division in separate boys and girls rankings. Teams and doubles pairs may be the same gender or a mix of boys and girls.
Those planning to compete in the North Pointe Junior Gold Championships should remember that the Youth Open is held in the same city, allowing them to bowl in the USBC Youth Open with friends and siblings who are USBC Youth members.
Information is available at 800-514-BOWL, ext. 3171, USBCyouthopen@bowl.com.
About USBC: The United States Bowling Congress officially launched Jan. 1, 2005, as the organization to serve amateur adult and youth bowlers. It was founded as the United States Tenpin Bowling Federation in the summer of 1989. Its mission statement is “ To provide benefits, resources and programs that enhance the bowling experience.” The website is http://www.bowl.com/.
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