Those interested in equestrian sports will be able to get an early start on the season by attending the Minnesota Horse Expo.
The Minnesota Horse Expo is Minnesota's largest horse event, with 300 horses, 50 registered breeds on display, performances in the Coliseum, 800 booths filled with horse information, products & equipment, nationally recognized clinicians and speakers, PRCA Rodeos, Used Tack consignment sale, and free horse, pony & wagon ride.
The event will take place at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, April 26-28, in St. Paul. New this year, experience a blend of Cossack riding, bareback riding, liberty, dressage, roman riding and aerial arts in a vintage gypsy setting during a 90-minute show known as Ma'Ceo.
For Minnesota Horse Expo admission, Ma'Ceo and PRCA Rodeo tickets: www.mnhorseexpo.org; 952-356-2029.
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