Over the last few weeks many universities have been busy drafting proposals for their chance to host the 2020 Collegiate Drone Racing competitions. CRDA has reviewed all proposals and have made a decision.
The host of the 2020 Collegiate Drone Racing Championship will be The University of North Dakota! They will be hosting the championship on April 18th and 19th. Plan to arrive in Grand Forks, North Dakota on Friday April 17th and depart on Monday April 20th. The event will be laid out similar to last years CDRC.
This will be the second year the University of North Dakota has hosted the event and as such, they will not be eligible for hosting next year since we realize the value in this championship traveling to other Universities. This means other drone racing campuses can start getting plans in place for next year to submit proposals and host the 2021 CDRC! The deadline for proposal submission for 2021 will be moved up to mid-September 2021 if not sooner.
As always, questions are welcome. You can reach us at collegiatedroneracing@gmail.com
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