The City of San Angelo has recently completed the much-anticipated Texas Bank Sports Complex and Rio Concho Community Park. This amazing facility will be sure to attract major tournaments with its lush fields and beautiful scenery. In addition both operations and programming staff is committed to providing quality leagues and fields.
This venue offers our community sports opportunities in the areas of softball, baseball, multi-purpose fields for flag football, kickball, sand volleyball, as well as a community park with scenic river views for all to enjoy.
This $12 million project, funded with the city's half-cent sales tax dollars, is four times the size of the former complex (roughly 80 acres).
Texas Bank Sports Complex is now home to 11 softball fields - 2 little league fields, one tee-ball field, and one large baseball field. Some fields have been constructed as multi-purpose so that other sports may use the fields as well.
Providing a sports complex for San Angelo was part of a list of projects voters approved in the 2004 sales tax-extension election.
Choosing the Rio Concho site was an easy decision being that the site was already a sports complex. Additional factors taken in to consideration were:
the fact that the city owned land to the east, abutting East Angelo Draw where it enters the main stem of the Concho River
the city's Parks and Recreation Department master plan, which calls for a large community park in each of four city quadrants, and
the river.
With the completion of the complex, thousands of local athletes will be able to play at this spectacular facility. Recreational programs alone will host over 600 flag football players both youth and adult - 600 youth- and 200 adult softball players - at the complex.
Southern Little League, whose 200 players played their games at the park before it closed for the renovations more than three ago will be housed at this facility as well as the Girls Fast Pitch Program who will be moving from its 29th Street location.
If you are interested in sports leagues or tournaments for yourself or for your children, please contact the Recreation Division at 325-657-4450 or visit our website at www.sanangelotexas.us/recreation.
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