Volleyball teams from three states will venture to Abilene this weekend to compete in the USA Volleyball North Texas Region FrontierFest Volleyball Tournament.
Games will be played at Abilene Christian Schools, Craig Middle School, Cooper High School, Wylie Junior High School and Abilene High School, Saturday and Sunday. The USA Volleyball sanctioned tournament will host 72 teams this weekend (up from 51 last year). The Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau Sports Alliance attributes this increase to a well-run tournament last year and the directors' involvement in the USA Volleyball community.
Tournament directors, Regina Sanders and John Linne, anticipate approximately 1,000 participants to attend the tournament. An estimated $181,000 in economic impact will be brought into the Abilene community from the efforts of this tournament.
The tournament is scheduled to begin on Saturday, Feb. 26 and will continue through Sunday, Feb. 27. Cost: $5 for a tournament pass and $3 for daily admission. Additional information about the tournament can be found at www.friendlyfrontierfest.com.
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