The U.S. Virgin Islands – could this be the next big hot spot for sports? If a new sports facility comes to fruition, that just might be the case – and it would be a welcome change.
As of August 2014, 28.9% of the USVI population lives below the poverty line. (1) Poverty promotes homeless and in 2011, the Virgin Islands had a chronic homeless population that exceeded that of Washington, D.C. – 36.7% to 32%. (2)
The closure of the St. Croix Oil Refinery in 2012 was expected to lead to the loss of thousands of jobs and contribute to an economic decline in the area (3).
However, according to SFA CEO Dev Pathik, the USVI is uniquely suited to play an influential role in the global sports tourism industry due to its appeal as a world class tourism destination
Adrienne L. Williams, Executive Director of the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority announced that The Sports Facilities Advisory has been selected through a competitive bid process to assist the USVI Island of St. Croix with the program and financing plan for a new multipurpose events and sports center.
The facility, which will be located on 44 acres near Frederiksted, St Croix, is to be an economic development and community resource that will drive new tourism spending through tournaments and events for local youth and amateur sports.
The scope of work to be completed by SFA includes:
A comprehensive program plan;
Construction and startup cost estimates;
10-year cash flow forecasts;
And an economic impact report.
The new facility hopes to expand on established sports tourism – the islands are known for triathlons, sailing regattas, and the Paradise Jam collegiate basketball tournament – and support the recovery of St. Croix.
Information is available from khelms@jotopr.com or call 888-202-4614, ext. 802.
1. Virgin Islands Population below poverty line. (2014, August 23). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from http://indexmundi.com/virgin_islands/population_below_poverty_line.html
2. The 2011 Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness: Supplement to the Annual Homeless Assessment Report. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from http://www.abtassociates.com/AbtAssociates/sites/sportsdestinations.com/files/24/24bc9a9c-b4ab-4988-8eab-e6d3d4406b09.pdf
Sabo, E., & Crooks, N. (2012, February 9). Refinery Closing Threatens Virgin Islands' Debt, Employment. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-09/refinery-closing-threatens-virgin-islands-debt-employment-1-.html
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