The 2019 Ferguson North American Sand Soccer Championships (NASSC) will be here before you know it!! Make plans now to kick it with us June 7-9 in Virginia Beach.
Team managers can find roster "how-to" instructions on our Team Manager Info Page. We'll be adding more information as we go to keep our team managers informed. Be sure to visit regularly.
Looking for more players? Want to find a team to join? Our Player Portal is a self-service bulletin for sand soccer fans to connect and build a team. Whether you are a team with a few open slots on the roster or a player who'd like to join a team, this is the place to go.
As a Stay-To-Play tournament, we have worked with our booking agent, BookMyGroup (BMG), to ensure you receive the best rates. With NASSC being less than three months away, rates are rising. Don't delay! Book today on our Hotel Page or contact Andrea Casperson from BMG at 1-888- 832-6745 for your individual or team hotel rooms.
It's not too late to join our 2019 sponsor and vendor team! Don't miss this opportunity to be seen at the largest beach soccer festival in the world. NASSC offers a wide range of sponsorship levels to meet your organization's desires. Please visit our Sponsor Page for full details. To fill out a vendor application, please visit our Vendor Page.
Did you know...
- NASSC is the primary revenue source for improving our local Hampton Roads Soccer Complex (HRSC)
- NASSC is a 501(c)3 event
- NASSC requires in excess of 500 volunteers. YES! You read that correctly...over 500 volunteers!
Wondering how can you help? Here are just a few ways to get involved...
- Pre-Tournament prep (occasional dates March - May)
- Site Prep (June 3-7)
- Team Check-in (June 7)
- Team Packet Pick-up (June 8-9)
Sign-up to volunteer individually or with a friend HERE!
Questions about volunteering or have a group or organization to refer? Please email NASSC Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Hill at lisa.hill@sandsoccer.com.
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