Eau Claire to Offer Outdoor Synthetic Ice Rink | Sports Destination Management

Eau Claire to Offer Outdoor Synthetic Ice Rink

Aug 06, 2014
With August Grand Opening, Slice N’ Ice Provides Year-Round Skating

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is the home of America’s first ever outdoor synthetic ice rink, known as Slice N’ Ice. The facility opened on August 1.

Synthetic ice can be used year-round. It does not skate like regular ice; however it can host many events that are offered on regular ice.

The new facility will be offering free open skate from 2pm-8pm every day through August 31, 2014.  Helmets are required. Helmets and skates will be available on first come-first serve basis free during the month of August.

Slice N’ Ice believes this attraction will host families, coaches, teams and corporate clientele.

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