Communities Ready to Celebrate National Miniature Golf Day | Sports Destination Management

Communities Ready to Celebrate National Miniature Golf Day

May 13, 2016

National Miniature Golf Day is presented on the second Saturday in May, which this year is May 14. This day is separate from Miniature Golf Day which is celebrated world-wide on September 21.  

An offshoot of the sport of golf, miniature golf is played on a course consisting of a series of holes similar to its parent, but shorter in length (usually 10 yards), the use of artificial surfaces such as carpet, astroturf and/or concrete, a geometric layout often requiring non-traditional putting lines and artificial obstacles such as tunnels, tubes, ramps and moving obstacles such as windmills.

CELEBRATE: Meet your friends at your local miniature golf course and have a fun-filled day!  Share your photos using #NationalMiniGolfDay.

HISTORY: The Illustrated London News had mention of the earliest documented minigolf course in it’s June 8, 1912 edition. The first standardized minigolf courses entered into commercial mass-production were the Thistle Dhu course in 1916 in Pinehurst, North Carolina and the Tom Thumb patent of Garnet Carter from Lookout Mountain, Tennessee in 1927.

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