World Fishing Network (WFN) has announced its Ultimate Fishing Town contest.
The winner of the title of Ultimate Fishing Town community could receive a $25,000 donation. There are also eight $3,500 regional awards. Winners will featured on WFN.
The contest is already underway. Deadline for all nominations to be received April 15, 2013 at 11:59 a.m. MT. Once nomination is closed, all voting will start at 12 p.m. MT April 15.
WFN encourages communities to ask themselves, “Why is your town the Ultimate Fishing Town and how would it benefit from the $25,000 community donation?” Local anglers and fishing enthusiasts have the chance to show and tell the world by contributing comments, photos and videos on their town’s nomination page. Although it's not required for nomination, WFN is encouraging entrants to create a video showcasing the town, its people and how the town could benefit from a $25,000 community donation.
A town is nominated, it is up to the nominee to promote the entry by telling friends, family, fishing buddies, co-workers and townspeople to get more comments, photos, videos and support.
In the meantime, visit www.UltimateFishingTown.com, 'LIKE' WFN on Facebook (www.facebook.com/WFN), tweet questions @WFN #UFT2013 (www.twitter.com/WFN), and subscribe to YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/WFNvideos) for Mariko Izumi's video blogs that will give tips and tricks on making a great nomination.
Any town, no matter how big or small, can be nominated.
To learn more, go to http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/uft/home.php
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