| | | Conway Becomes First CVB to Sign College Students to NIL Agreements When the Conway, Arkansas Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) announced plans to sign student athletes from the University of Central Arkansas to "Name, Image and Likeness" (NIL) agreements, it came as a shock. But as executive director Rachel Shaw explains it, the program is a natural - as well as a great learning experience for the students. ....read more | |
Destination Spotlight | Chicago Southland Makes Sports the MVP As restrictions continue to ease, the Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureau is eagerly awaiting the chance to welcome back sports. In the Chicago Southland, all sports business, no matter the size, is valued. Whether hosting a small regional tournament or a large national competition, there is MVP treatment for all. ....read more |  | |
In other news and commentary... | Cities Leveraging Marijuana Tax to Fund Sports Facilities | Increasingly, companies that used to sponsor sports facilities are becoming more cash-strapped and are backing away from the negotiations. So what's taking up the slack? Marijuana taxes, apparently. Two facilities in Colorado (one of the first adopters of legal cannabis) have been funded entirely by a so-called sin tax on marijuana. Who's next? ....read more |
| Case Study: Using Tournaments to Kick Plastic Off Our Beaches | It's no secret that as beach soccer players, we love our beaches. Unfortunately, the problem of plastic pollution on our beaches is pervasive and interferes with our enjoyment of the game. But our everyday choices matter. Here's how we were able to address the problem with some simple solutions, all of which are applicable to sports events everywhere. ....read more |
| No Baseball in the Los Angeles Olympics? Not Yet, Anyway | The IOC has released its list of sports for Los Angeles 2028 and baseball and softball are (wait for it) OUT. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't have a chance; it just means that the IOC has already said that skateboarding, surfing and competitive climbing will be there. What else is benched (for now)? Boxing, weightlifting and modern pentathlon. ....read more |
| Odds of Youth Athletes Turning Pro Even Slimmer Than Parents Think | Despite parents' ideas, it's time for a reality check. The majority of youth sports participants will not wind up playing in the NBA, NFL, NHL or any other professional sports league, according to statistics. Nor are high schoolers likely to access full rides to college. A new survey has the details - although it's likely parents won't welcome them. ....read more |
| Stranded Runners and Hypothermia Worrying Endurance Race Directors | Ice, snow and freezing temperatures are part of endurance events in the winter. But when those conditions become too harsh, bad things can happen - as they did when an unseasonably early blizzard dumped more than a foot of snow in Utah, stranding 87 runners who were later rescued. At another race, however, athletes weren't that lucky. ....read more |
| New Study Documents Challenges Facing Event Operators | What can a snapshot view of the running event industry, told from the point of race directors, teach us about sports management as a whole? Quite a bit, as it turns out. Running USA has released the results of its 2021 Event Management Study, which documents the increasingly challenging environment as events continue their journey on the road back. ....read more |
Inside Events |  | Inside Events: The National Collegiate Acrobatics & Tumbling Association The fast-growing sport of collegiate acrobatics and tumbling (it's on the NCAA's list of Emerging Sports for Women) is governed by the National Collegiate Acrobatics & Tumbling Association (NCATA). Using skillsets from multiple disciplines in gymnastics as well as cheer, the sport is contested indoors, between either two or three teams. Learn more here. ....read more | |
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Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| November/December 2021 What a long, strange trip it's been. The Grateful Dead used that wording in 1977 and it is just as accurate today. We have been through 2020 (enough said) and now we're ending 2021 and ready to celebrate. But we don't just celebrate the big numbers. We celebrate our strength. Strength, we have learned, is not born out of aggression; it is a kind of peace that comes with knowing you have faced the worst and that, moving forward, you can deal with whatever life hands out. It's time to congratulate those who were instrumental in our comeback. ....read more | Read the entire issue |View the digital version |Issue archive |
Last word... | "If you think about it, I've never held a job in my life. I went from being an NFL player to a coach to a broadcaster. I haven't worked a day in my life." ~ the late, great John Madden |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2020, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |