March/April 2022 | Sports Destination Management

March/April 2022


Sports Destination Management Magazine


I’m a big believer in evolution, and for proof, I simply look to our industry. Sports evolve and the public’s enthusiasm for them blows up as a result. One example is 3x3 basketball, covered in this issue. Knowledge evolves too. Don't miss our articles on topics like drawing up an effective proposal, negotiating with hotels and choosing a good medical provider for sports events. The features on golf, soccer and swimming/diving venues highlight new technologies and advancements that make for winning experiences, no matter what side of the scoreboard an athlete is on. Let’s keep the growth - and our learning - going.

In this issue

Indoors and Out, Colorado Springs Proves Its ‘City for Champions’ Status

BY: Michael Popke

Now that Colorado Springs has completed its City for Champions project, an unprecedented, multi-year undertaking that resulted in the development of five new venues designed to drive sports tourism, Olympic City USA’s already shiny status has become even more golden. Learn about the advantages that await event owners, athletes and spectators. more....