September/October 2021 | Sports Destination Management

September/October 2021


Sports Destination Management Magazine

September/October 2021

As 2020 wore on and became 2021, people have learned to put on new events in new ways, and we’ve been able to continue our path forward by implementing their ideas and adding our own twists to them. This issue is a testament to that. All our articles all show the evolution of our industry and how it continues to succeed. The finish line for this year is in sight. We made it through this year, but we didn’t do it alone. All of us worked together to bring our economy back to center. Our industry isn’t made up of events; it’s made up of people. And those people were there for us. Let’s continue to be there for one another.

In this issue

Gymnastics Bounces Back

BY: Michael Popke

Gymnastics, a staple of the Summer Olympics, has long been one of the biggest recipients of the boost provided by television coverage of the event. Children who want to emulate what they see flock to local clubs to learn, and the sport gains new athletes in its pipeline. Competitions, as a result, seek homes where families will want to travel. more....