The Association tries to keep host locations in the center of the country, to make it fair to both the east and west coast riders. They also try and hold the competition in historical areas, and San Angelo certainly fits both these criteria.
This competition promotes good horsemanship and provides an opportunity for reenactors, active and reserve military mounted color guards, and mounted police officers to compete and improve their riding skills. The National Cavalry Competition is open to all who are interested in promoting the cause of keeping the Cavalry spirit alive.
Individual riding classes include Mounted Saber, Mounted Pistol, Miltary Horsemanship, and Military Field Jumping. Each class has 3 levels, level 1 for beginners, level 2 for the novice rider and level 3 for advanced riders. Competitions also include platoon drill, bugle competition, authenticity, and the Major Howze team mobility event.
Authenticity categories include Mexican War (1846-48), Civil War, Union and Confederate (1861-65), Plains Indian Campaigns (1870-79), Southwest Campaigns (1880-1889), Spanish-American War (1898), Sam Browne Belt Army (1904-44) and U.S. Constabulary (1945-49).
The majority of the events will be held at Fort Concho, with at least one event also being held at San Angelo State Park. For further information or to register to participate visit www.uscavalry.org.
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