Over the past few weeks, the amount of social media posts and traffic from the young student anglers is staggering. We are being sent fish catch pictures, tagged in posts, and receiving mentions daily as many of you are adhering to social distancing warnings and continuing to fish at the same time. The Association of Collegiate Anglers (ACA) now wants to introduce the "ACA Online Tournament" for anglers to participate in as they go on their daily fishing adventures while social distancing.
The first ACA Online Tournament will begin Thursday, April 2, at sunrise and run through sunset on Wednesday, April 8, all local times. Prizes will be awarded to the Top Five longest bass to include smallmouth, largemouth or spotted bass caught over the course of the week by a collegiate angler. If a collegiate angler submits multiple fish, their longest fish will be the one that counts.
All fish must be measured with mouth closed and nose pressed against a measuring board with the tail flat on the board (not pinched). Photos that do not show that will be deemed ineligible. Anglers can fish any form of water, including public lakes, creeks, private ponds, and anywhere bass can be caught. ***You do not have to fish out of a boat to qualify***
On Wednesday at 5:00 PM CST, ACA staff will provide a keyword that all anglers will be required to write on a piece of paper to show in each fish picture they submit. You will be required to have that word in the photo for the catch to be eligible. Remember, the fish must be measured with the mouth closed, and tail flat. Participating anglers must also be current college students.
All fish catch pictures must be submitted via the ACA website using the ACA Online Submission Form. Read more.
For more information about the Bass Pro Shops Collegiate Bass Fishing Series, please visit www.CollegiateBassChampionship.com.
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