The International Pole Sports Federation has announced news and developments for 2020 and beyond:
Event Postponement: After considering the general climate around the Covid-19 pandemic, many discussions with our national federations and a vote by the IPSF Executive committee, we have decided to suspend the 2020 IPSF Pole and Aerial competition season, along with the IPSF World Pole and Aerial Championships scheduled for October 2020 in Switzerland. New 2021 dates are already being booked.READ MORE HERE
After discussions and a vote by both the IPSF Federations and the IPSF Athletes commission, the decision has been made to postpone the launch of the 2020/2022 Codes of Points (Pole Sport, Aerial Hoop, Artistic Pole and Ultra Pole). It was agreed that due to the unprecedented situation the pandemic has brought about and the subsequent suspension of the 2020 competition season and world championships, launching the new code would not be beneficial to the development of the athletes, many who have been working for a year on their competition programs.
This means that athletes do not lose valuable time already spent on training. This also means that, while the information related to the codes does not change in terms of the judging and code of points courses, coaches and judges will still be required to recertify/renew their trainings next year, in line with IPSF continuing professional development (CPD). We have the responsibility to ensure that athletes have the best trained judges and coaches, and this is why we believe it will remain necessary for these courses to continue.
With this in mind, it gives the IPSF an opportunity to add even more new elements to the Pole Sports and Aerial Hoop codes of points, and to continue to test the codes for inconsistencies.
Time will now be focused on developing the codes, adding to our list of disciplines, refining the judges and code of points courses we have, creating additional courses such as the coaching and youth courses, as well as translating the code into even more languages.
If you would like to submit a new element to be considered for the different codes of points, we have extended the submission date until March 31, 2021.
The IPSF have been working with WADA to bring you a free anti-doping course. Over 500 enthusiasts around the world have taken the course so far, and anyone can sign up. course here
We are building a catalogue of Pole and Aerial elements to help you better understand the minimum requirements. Each element has been studied by our judges in the technical teams to make sure they are correct Take a look
New Discipline: We are excited to announce the launch of a new discipline for the 2020/21 season ARTISTIC HOOP! The system will be online as soon as possible for translation and implementation.
We are looking for experts to join the team of volunteers. Each must have an in-depth knowledge of Aerial skills and of word/excel. Apply Here.
Crack the Code Challenge: Can you help others learn the correct way to execute Pole and Aerial elements, then join in our challenge and get your video featured on our social media and our website
#crackthecode challenge
Join the IPSF: Do you have a group of like minded people wanted to create a federation in your country? The join our existing federations and competitions Email Us
Get Code Advice: Join over 3000+ athletes, coaches and enthusiasts on ourFaceBook Group. Here you can ask judges and experts about your competition program, elements and queries. You can also ask questions on rules and how to get more involved in Pole and Aerial Sports.
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