| | | Could London Host the Super Bowl? London's Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, already hosting two NFL games a season, has an even bigger goal in mind: being the site of a Super Bowl. Hosting rights for the big game in 2026 are still up for grabs and cities are expressing interest. It's no secret that the NFL wants to expand its overseas reach, but is this too much of a reach? ....read more | |
Destination Spotlight | Find Your Place in the Sun in Asheville! If you haven't yet considered Asheville, North Carolina as your next tournament host site, you're missing out on a lot. In addition to great weather and warm southern hospitality, this area is a dynamic, award-winning destination, filled with ideal venues and a backed by a welcoming community, with plenty of nice surprises for those who visit. ....read more |  | |
In other news and commentary... | Advantages of Having Venues in Communities Go Beyond Sports Tourism | We already know sports facilities can bring in tourism dollars, and can even spur investment in communities, through the construction of hotels and restaurants. But what about the ways facilities increase home values, spur sales - and even cause new homes to be built, once an area has been seen as desirable? Here are case studies from around the country. ....read more |
| Wearin' o' the Green Expected to Put Events Back in the Black This Year | It's time for green beer, green beads - and consuming enough of the former to warrant doing all kinds of things to obtain the latter. In other words, St. Patrick's Day celebrations - and with them, St. Patrick's Day-themed sports events - have had enough of social distancing and are roaring back with a vengeance. Here are some of the best. ....read more |
| Is the Sports Industry Pumping the Brakes on Cryptocurrency? | In a poll on the SDM website, nearly 70 percent of readers said they thought cryptocurrency, rather than becoming a viable option in sports payments, was a fad that would die out. They might be onto something. In the wake of the crash of a major sporting cryptocurrency-based fan platform, thousands of fans were left with tokens now deemed as worthless. ....read more |
| New Strategy for Getting Youth Officials: Recruit Those Outspoken Parents | The growing problem of verbally and even physically abusive parents at youth sports is nothing new but the National Federation of State High School Associations has a novel approach: recruit those obnoxious parents (and maybe even student athletes who have finished high school) to be referees and umpires. It sounds radical but it just might work. ....read more |
| Diving Into Recruitment Early to Avoid Another Lifeguard Shortage | High school and college students are thinking more about spring break than summer vacation but that has not stopped municipalities and aquatics facilities from worrying whether the Great Lifeguard Shortage of 2021 will repeat itself this year. Nationwide, recruitment efforts are being launched with one goal: keep pools open and swim meets running. ....read more |
| Meanwhile, in Alaska: Junior Native Youth Olympics Take the Stage | Given the buzz generated by the Winter Olympics in Beijing (unfortunately, not all of it positive), it was easy to overlook another multi-week competition taking place at the same time. The Junior Native Youth Olympics (JNYO) showcase skills that historically have been critical to everyday life in the challenging Alaska environment. Seal hop, anyone? ....read more |
Inside Events |  | Inside Events: Urban Youth Inc. The month of March has everyone thinking about basketball, and there's no denying that many college basketball players started as youth athletes. At Urban Youth Inc., Mark Sills has been promoting opportunities for tournament play for 25 years and is always looking for new homes for his events. Learn more about the organization and what it offers. ....read more | |
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Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| March/April 2022 I'm a big believer in evolution, and for proof, I simply look to our industry. Sports evolve and the public's enthusiasm for them blows up as a result. One example is 3x3 basketball, covered in this issue. Knowledge evolves too. Don't miss our articles on topics like drawing up an effective proposal, negotiating with hotels and choosing a good medical provider for sports events. The features on golf, soccer and swimming/diving venues highlight new technologies and advancements that make for winning experiences, no matter what side of the scoreboard an athlete is on. Let's keep the growth - and our learning - going. ....read more | Read the entire issue |View the digital version |Issue archive |
Last word... | "I went through some great times, and I went through some tough times, a lot of ups and downs, and I feel like I've paid my dues, no question. But I enjoyed it all, every minute of it." ~ Charley Taylor, NFL Hall of Fame Receiver, who passed on Feb. 19 at age 80 |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2022, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |