| | | Economic Impact Comes Flooding Back for Spring Training Cities Spring training cities in Florida and Arizona dodged a bullet with the MLB lockout. Even as training starts later than usual, hotels and restaurants can reap income. In other destinations, businesses that rely on game day traffic are looking forward to April 7, when the season officially opens. Here's a boots-on-the-ground view of what they might have missed. ....read more | |
Destination Spotlight | This Convention Center is Always Ready For Action Orlando, in addition to being the most visited destination in the USA, is home to the award-winning Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), which boasts a total of 7 million square feet, hosts a wide variety of sporting events and also is gaining recognition for its extensive space, state-of-the-art amenities, commitment to safety and dedication to excellence. ....read more |  | |
In other news and commentary... | Great News: Across the Board, Sports Are Trending Up | The news keeps getting better and better for the sports business industry, indicating favorable conditions for event owners. A recent report by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association shows activity in all age groups continuing to trend upwards. Pickleball was one of the fastest-growing sports but there's other great news as well. Read more here. ....read more |
| Oh, Carp! Tournaments Targeting Invasive Fish Species | Everyone loves to see a villain in handcuffs. That's why fishing tournaments targeting invasive species remain so popular. And apparently, invasive carp are the new northern snakehead. Unfortunately, they're not as edible. But that hasn't stopped multiple states and fisheries from getting a crowd behind the mitigation measures. Learn more here. ....read more |
| | The Sports Rebound: An Analysis of Cause and Effect | The Olympics were a good illustration of the resiliency of the sports industry - organizers used smart measures to keep all events moving. Closer to home, we're also seeing the resurgence of sports, driven by pent-up demand and a few other factors as well. Here's an in-depth analysis contributed by the West Michigan Sports Commission's Mike Guswiler. ....read more |
| The Improbable Odds of a Perfect Bracket and More on March Madness | It's time for watch parties, office bracket challenges and screaming until one of your lungs flies out and lands on the bar in front of you. March Madness is back. And with selection weekend behind us, it's time to crunch some numbers along with all those wings and chips. Here are a few fun snippets for the weeks that stretch ahead of us. ....read more |
| Survival Challenge Highlights Problem with Social Media in the Outdoors | Sometimes, not all publicity is good publicity. Social media can bring out the worst in those who venture outdoors, including people getting bitten taking selfies with rattlesnakes. Two “influencers” are in hot water with the national parks service in Canada after taking part in a 30-day ‘survival challenge' - within a park but without permission. ....read more |
Inside Events |  | Inside Events: Aloha Lacrosse Hosting over 50,000 players and 125,000 fans annually, Aloha Lacrosse is the oldest national lacrosse tournament company in the USA. From its roots in Maryland (it's still headquartered there), it built a nationwide network of tournaments that bring in excellent economic impact for communities and continues to look for new destination partners. ....read more | |
Instagram Photo of the Week | |  |
Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| March/April 2022 I'm a big believer in evolution, and for proof, I simply look to our industry. Sports evolve and the public's enthusiasm for them blows up as a result. One example is 3x3 basketball, covered in this issue. Knowledge evolves too. Don't miss our articles on topics like drawing up an effective proposal, negotiating with hotels and choosing a good medical provider for sports events. The features on golf, soccer and swimming/diving venues highlight new technologies and advancements that make for winning experiences, no matter what side of the scoreboard an athlete is on. Let's keep the growth - and our learning - going. ....read more | Read the entire issue |View the digital version |Issue archive |
Fan Fact... | The highest price paid for admission to Coach Mike Krzyzewski's last basketball game at Duke on March 5 was $39,000 (for two tickets). The average ticket for that game cost $8,627. |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2022, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |