| | | Wisconsin High School Association: Please, No More Lawsuits The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association is "deeply troubled" by the increasing trend of schools appealing the decisions of onsite officials via lawsuits; in fact, it sent a letter to its 516 members school asking them to stop. Whether they will stop - well, that's an open question and in today's litigious society, it's increasingly unlikely. ....read more | |
Destination Spotlight | Florence Athletics & Sports Tourism: Full Life. Full Forward. The City of Florence, South Carolina is fast becoming a growing destination for sports tourism due to location, construction of new athletics facilities and the infrastructure to provide a quality experience. Florence is easily accessible to traveling teams and has not only outstanding venues but plenty of hotels and eateries. Learn more here. ....read more |  | |
In other news and commentary... | Get Your Bid On: 2025 National Senior Games | Who WOULDN'T want this one? The 2025 National Senior Games are seeking a host. This multi-sport event attracts more than 10,000 male and female athletes ages 50 and up (plus another 15,000 guests and spectators). If you have the venues and a welcoming spirit for an event that brings in more than $38 million, check out this RFP - but don't delay! ....read more |
| With Governor's Signature, Indiana Has a Bid Fund | Indiana is ready for a victory celebration, and this one doesn't relate to March Madness. With a swipe of his pen, Gov. Eric Holcomb created a statewide sports and tourism bid fund. The Indiana Sports Corporation will use the fund to help pay the bid fees for large events, allowing it to remain competitive with more states around the country. ....read more |
| Will Virginia Beach Host BMX? It's Up in the Air | The first rule of Thrashmore...is that there is no Thrashmore. BMX riders in the Virginia Beach area, who secretly carved out a fun racing grounds within a wooded area, were forced to find new turf when word of their escapades got out. Since then, the property, denied to a developer, is under new scrutiny - once again for BMX. Could this idea gain traction? ....read more |
| In the Water, In Person: World's Largest Swimming Lesson is Back | Here's an opportunity swimming venues can dive into. The World's Largest Swimming Lesson, a Guinness World Record-setting event, returns on June 23. All facilities have to do is tie a free 30-minute swim lesson into their day. And since drowning is THE leading cause of death among children, there's no downside to free lessons. ....read more |
| Super Bowl on a Saturday? A Grassroots Movement Gains Traction | With baseball season underway, March Madness in its final days and the youth travel tournament scene heating up, it's safe to say football has slipped below the radar a bit. Except that a petition is underway to convince the NFL to move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. And once you get past the knee-jerk reaction, there are merits to the argument. ....read more |
| Thinking Outside The Medal Box for More Memorable Awards | When top-performing athletes go home from an event, they're toting an award and usually, that award comes in the form of a medal. But these days, event owners are thinking outside the medal box and looking into everything from rodeo-themed belt buckles to maple syrup to hand-painted guitars. Our friends at Endurance.Biz rounded up some of the best. ....read more |
Inside Events |  | Inside Events: United States Basketball Association The United States Basketball Association is a leader in grassroots basketball tournaments and camps for boys and girls across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. USBA has the stated goal of developing young people and equipping them with skills that will help them advance both on and off the court. Learn what they look for and how to host. ....read more | |
Instagram Photo of the Week | |  |
Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| March/April 2022 I'm a big believer in evolution, and for proof, I simply look to our industry. Sports evolve and the public's enthusiasm for them blows up as a result. One example is 3x3 basketball, covered in this issue. Knowledge evolves too. Don't miss our articles on topics like drawing up an effective proposal, negotiating with hotels and choosing a good medical provider for sports events. The features on golf, soccer and swimming/diving venues highlight new technologies and advancements that make for winning experiences, no matter what side of the scoreboard an athlete is on. Let's keep the growth - and our learning - going. ....read more | Read the entire issue |View the digital version |Issue archive |
Last word... | "What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player." ~ NCAA coach John Wooden |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2022, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |