The National Alliance for Youth Sports, an advocacy organization for creating positive sports experiences for children, has announced its endorsement of a children’s recreational running program.
Ready, Set, Run! is a character-building running program that trains kids ages 8-13 to participate in a 5Krun. This curriculum-based program equips kids with the physical training and goal-setting mentality needed to accomplish their running goals. Issues like enhancing confidence and self-esteem, respecting authority, dealing with peer pressure and fueling their bodies through proper nutrition are covered during the 12-week session. Above all, kids have a blast seeing what they are capable of achieving!
Ready, Set, Run began as an idea in 2009 and much research, love, and passion has been poured in to get it up & running. The response from our members has been phenomenal! We began piloting the program in Spring 2011 and look forward to all of the lives we might have the chance to impact in the future.
For more information on the Ready, Set, Run! Curriculum, go to the NAYS website at http://www.nays.org/
About The National Alliance for Youth Sports: The National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) is America's leading advocate for positive and safe sports and activities for children. The non-profit 501(c)(3) organization is based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Today, NAYS offers programs and services for everyone involved in youth sports experiences, including professional administrators, volunteer administrators, volunteer coaches, officials, parents and young athletes. The goal of NAYS is to make sports and activities safe and positive by providing programs and services that add value to youth sports. Information is available at http://www.nays.org/
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