The American Sports Builders Association (ASBA), the national organization for builders and suppliers of materials for athletic facilities, has announced the election and installation of its officers and directors for the coming year. The new slate took its place at the conclusion of the ASBA's Technical Meeting, held December 4-6 in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, and attended by a record 400-plus industry members. (The next Technical Meeting, which will be held December 1-6, 2011, will take place at the J.W. Marriott Resort and Spa in Palm Desert, California).
New officers on the executive committee include David Nielsen of Leslie Coatings, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, who will serve as the ASBA's new secretary-treasurer. He previously served two consecutive four-year terms as a builder director on the board, and has been an active member of the association. Nielsen, the vice president and owner of Leslie Coatings, has been in the athletic facility construction industry since 1976.
Randy Niese of Robbins Sports Surfaces, located in Cincinnati, Ohio was elected to the position of Indoor Division President. Niese is the General Manager/Synthetics at Robbins (where he has worked since 1988) and a graduate of the University of Dayton in with a degree in History and Political Science. He has worked closely with ASBA, having spoken at several Technical Meetings, participated in Committee work and helped out with the Indoor manual as well as the Awards Committee.
ASBA also elected several new members of its board of directors. John Schedler, CFB, CTB of Atlas Track and Tennis in Tualatin, Oregon will serve as a representative of the Builder Division. He has served on the board previously, and has been involved with the development of the Certified Field Builder program. Another new builder director is Mike Edgerton, CTCB of Copeland Coatings in Nassau, New York. He graduated from State University of New York at Oswego in 1991 with a degree in Marketing. He became a Certified Tennis Court Builder in 2008.
Re-elected to their current positions on the board of directors of ASBA were Track Division President Kristoff Eldridge, CTB (Cape & Island Tennis & Track in Pocasset, Massachusetts), and Professional Division President Ed Norton, RLA, ASLA (Holcombe Norton Partners, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama). Bruce Haroldson of Connor Sports Flooring in Arlington Heights, Illinois, was re-elected to serve as a board of directors representative of the Supplier Division.
Several individuals will continue on the board of directors in their current office. Sam Fisher, CTB of Fisher Tracks, Inc., located in Boone, Iowa, will remain Chairman of ASBA. Mark Brogan, CTCB of Pro-Sport Construction, Inc. in Devon, Pennsylvania, will continue in the position of Tennis Division President. Dan Wright of Sports Turf Company, Inc. in Whitesburg, Georgia, remains in the office of Fields Division President. Randy Futty of Lee Tennis Court Products in Charlottesville, Virginia, continues as Supplier Division President.
Several members of the Board of Directors also remain in office; they include three continuing Builder Directors: Rob Delmonico of RAD Sports in Rockland, Massachusetts, Ben Rennolds, CTCB of Tennis Courts, Inc. in Aylett, and Pete Smith of The CourtSMITHs, Toledo, Ohio. Rob Righter of Nova Sports, USA in Milford, Massachusetts will continue in the office of Supplier Director, and Chris Sullivan of the Beals Alliance in Sacramento, California will remain in his position of Professional Division Director.
George Todd, Jr., CTCB (Welch Tennis Courts, Inc., Sun City, Florida) the association's most recent chairman, will continue on the Board of Directors in the role of Immediate Past Chairman.
The ASBA is a non-profit association helping designers, builders, owners, operators and users understand quality athletic facility construction. The Association sponsors informative meetings, publishes newsletters, books and technical construction guidelines, offers voluntary certification programs in tennis court, running track and athletic field construction, and keeps its members informed of the latest developments in the industry. For additional information on the ASBA, its publications, activities and upcoming meetings, contact the Association by phone at 866-501-ASBA, 410-730-9595, by fax at 410-730-8833, or electronically at www.sportsbuilders.org (http://www.ustctba.org) or info@sportsbuilders.org.
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