US Quidditch Announces Host Locations for Sanctioned Events in 2019-2020 | Sports Destination Management

US Quidditch Announces Host Locations for Sanctioned Events in 2019-2020

Oct 15, 2019

US Quidditch has selected the locations for the 2019-20 season of USQ-Hosted Circuit Events. These have been identified based on feedback provided by club teams, as well as conversations with the Gameplay Department to ensure teams in geographically challenged areas have enough competitive opportunities nearby. The locations that have been chosen are:

  1. Northeast - Warwick, Rhode Island - Bend Street Field Complex - October 26-27, 2019.
  2. Great Lakes - West Chester, Ohio - Voice of America Athletic Complex - November 2-3, 2019.
  3. Mid-Atlantic - Goldsboro, North Carolina - Bryan Multi-Sports Complex - November 9-10, 2019.
  4. Southwest - Baton Rouge, Louisiana - LSU UREC Field Complex - February 8-9, 2020.
  5. South - Polk County, Florida - facility to be announced in September - February 15-16, 2020.
  6. West - Livermore, California - Robertson Park - February 22-23, 2020.

Auto-bid status for these USQ-hosted circuit events will be determined closer to the event dates, and will be based on the number of attending teams. 

As a reminder, club teams are able to participate in any circuit event regardless of region. There are also no season play requirements a club team needs to complete in order to participate in any circuit event. To view a complete list of circuit events, auto-bid events, or to learn more about circuit events, go to the Circuit Events page. 

TEAM REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION - The membership team requirements for club teams are listed here

Please note that the deadline for a team’s referee and snitch runner requirements is dependent on when a team registers and if they are attending a USQ-hosted circuit event. If a club team is going to a USQ-hosted circuit event in the fall, they must complete those requirements by the college season play deadline for that regional championship (deadlines are listed on the membership page for Team Requirements as well as the Team Registration page for USQ Regional Championships). For an example, if a team is going to the circuit event at Northeast Regional Championship, then they must finish referee and snitch runner requirements by Sunday, October 13 at 11:59 pm ET or they will not be eligible to compete at that event. 

If a club team is going to a USQ-hosted circuit event in the spring but not the fall or is not going to a USQ-hosted circuit event at all, then they must complete those requirements by the college season play deadline for the final fall regional championship (Sunday, October 27 at 11:59 pm ET) or by one month after the team registers, whichever comes later. 

Club teams attending USQ-hosted circuit events will have the same registration requirements and deadlines as college teams attending regional championships. The one exception is season play requirements, which does not apply to club teams. Please note that there are separate calendar events for the club circuit events. Those are clearly labeled on the events calendar

Club teams are encouraged to submit trading cards. We will be printing trading cards for both divisions when applicable, no matter how many club teams are going to a USQ-hosted circuit event. 

Questions about team registration for USQ-hosted circuit events should be directed to  

FEEDBACK - As teams become more acquainted with the new club division structure, USQ will be providing feedback opportunities throughout the season. This feedback will help determine if any adjustments are necessary to the club division structure for the 2020-21 season. If you have any immediate feedback or questions you would like to share about the division update, please email If you have any questions that are gameplay specific, please reach out to For further information on the gameplay policies for the club division, you can review them here.

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