Articles | Sports Destination Management


Courts of Appeal

Courts of Appeal

Tennis facilities are unique among sports venues, since tennis is played in much more intimate settings than traditional field sports.

In It for the Long Run: Leveraging the CVB and Sports Commission Relationship for Better...

In It for the Long Run: Leveraging the CVB and Sports Commission Relationship for Better Long-Term Contracts

Long-term relationships are what this business is all about. Here is how to establish them with Convention and Visitor Bureaus.

Travel Options for Sports Teams: Weighing All The Possibilities

Travel Options for Sports Teams: Weighing All The Possibilities

Travel is an essential ingredient for most organized sports programs. Here are options to oversee it properly.

The Fine Art of Negotiation: Finding a Win/Win Situation

The Fine Art of Negotiation: Finding a Win/Win Situation

Unlike the action on the playing field, there shouldn’t be a winner and a loser when it comes to negotiating. This is even true when planning and nego...

Softball: The Game America Plays

Softball: The Game America Plays

Softball is hitting it out of the park, with more than 7.63 million people ages 6 and up participating.

Go West: These Cities are Ready to Play

Go West: These Cities are Ready to Play

Sunny skies, top-notch facilities and welcoming communities. Sounds like a winning hand for any sports event planner seeking a destination. The Southw...

Winning on Water

Winning on Water

With more than 250,000 rivers and countless smaller bodies of water, plus coastal areas, Americans find new ways to enjoy their water all the time.

State of the Sport: USA Cycling

State of the Sport: USA Cycling

Bicycling isn’t just spinning its wheels and it’s moving forward with strong anti-doping policies. USA Cycling's Sean Petty provides an update.

USA Archery: An Interview with Teresa Iaconi, Press Officer

USA Archery: An Interview with Teresa Iaconi, Press Officer

From The Hunger Games to Brave, arrows are flying and attracting attention. USA Archery's sport is hitting the bull’s-eye with new initiatives.

Sticking the Landing: Successful Gymnastics Events from Bidding to Competition and Beyond

Sticking the Landing: Successful Gymnastics Events from Bidding to Competition and Beyond

Setting the scene for a successful gymnastics events means more than backflips and balance beams. NGBs and prime destinations provide insights.