Articles | Sports Destination Management


The Benefits of Long-Term Contracts

The Benefits of Long-Term Contracts

Frequent flyer miles. Coupons sent to valued customers. Advance tickets being available only to last year's season ticket-holders. Lasting relationsh...


Gymnastics: Going Gold

The world of gymnastics, just like a gymnastics meet, is a highly charged place. Meets are large. Competition is fierce. Hundreds of things seem to be...


An Interview with Jeffrey Ryan, Senior Director, USA Team Events - USTA

USTA is responsible for: Sanctioning competitive events at all levels, promoting community tennis initiatives such as 10 and Under Tennis, implementin...

Going Online To Get Ahead: Advanced Degrees in Sports Management

Going Online To Get Ahead: Advanced Degrees in Sports Management

Pursuing an advanced online degree in an accredited sports management program is a steadfast means to leverage relationships that can fulfill dreams o...

Diamond Destinations: Softball

Diamond Destinations: Softball

This summer, softball, recently excluded from the Olympics games, made the first step toward its comeback. In July, the IOC announced its official lis...


Get Your Kicks in the Southwest

Is it true that you can get your kicks on Route 66? Apparently so, and Nat King Cole and the creators of "Cars" weren’t the only ones to realize it...

Negotiating Your Way to a Win-Win Situation

Negotiating Your Way to a Win-Win Situation

Negotiating with a facility vendor is probably going to be one the most important parts of any successful event, and at times can be the trickiest. As...

Golf - Grounds for Excellence

Golf - Grounds for Excellence

Some golf tournaments end with the presentation of the green jacket or the silver cup. More often, though, in the ones you're planning, players are ha...


Lakes and Rivers

What do water skiing, wakeboarding, fishing and sailing have in common? Water, preferably not frozen. Watersports can take place on, in or (as...


Make Me Look Good: What Sports Events Can Mean to a Community

There’s nothing that gladdens our hearts like being told an event won’t succeed — only to be able to prove that person wrong. It was the situation ...