Articles | Sports Destination Management


Inside Events: Castle-Con

Inside Events: Castle-Con

Board gaming is a rising trend, particularly during the winter months. Castle Con, a tabletop gaming convention, will be held January 24-26 in Downtow...

USA Pickleball Championships 2025 RFP

Up for Bid: USA Pickleball 2025 National Championship

One of the biggest championship in one of the fastest growing sports in the world is looking for a new home court. USA Pickleball, the national govern...

New Year’s Resolution: More Youth Sports Coaches

New Year’s Resolution: More Youth Sports Coaches

This year could be a landmark one for youth sports, and that includes sports tourism. The Million Coaches Challenge seeks to train one million new you...

At High School and College Levels, Clay Target Leagues Exploding in Popularity

At High School and College Levels, Clay Target Leagues Exploding in Popularity

While it’s nowhere near the participation numbers for high school and college basketball, football or other high profile team sports, the popularity o...

In Budgeting, Are Colleges Considering the Impact of Sports Tourism?

What Sports Tourism Can Teach Colleges

In the Paris Olympics, more than two-thirds of all U.S. athletes came from college teams. But many low-profile sports programs at the collegiate level...

Can You Add Even More Inclusivity to Sports? Yes, Says Morgan’s

Can You Add Even More Inclusivity to Sports? Yes, Says Morgan’s

Remember Morgan’s Sports, the first 100 percent accessible sports park? Its San Antonio-based campus also includes a theme park, a camp, water park, f...

Economic Forecast is Looking Up as Dark Sky Tourism Rises

Economic Forecast is Looking Up as Dark Sky Tourism Rises

When, this past fall, the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, became visible to destinations that had never even heard of it before, i...

Remembering How Sports Unites Us All

Recalling the Important Ways Sports Have Brought Cities Back Together

The postponement of the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, done to minimize the possibility of any additional threats following the deadly terrorist attack ea...

We already know that educational historical tourism is a factor in sports tourism, but a new exhibit being funded by the National Park Service could generate even more interest in certain destinations. A total of 20 Underground Railroad sites in 14 states, once developed, could bring not just an increase in tourism but in understanding as well.

A New Economic Driver for Some Sports Cities: Underground Railroad Tourism

We know educational and historical sites can help generate increased interest in sports tourism destinations, but newly announced funding from the Nat...

Is Atlanta the New Major Sporting Events Capital of the United States?

Is Atlanta the New Major Sporting Events Capital of the United States?

Not too long ago, we were extolling Las Vegas as a prime host of NFL events, including this year’s Super Bowl, as well as the 2022 NFL Draft, the 2022...