SFA|SFM serves as an advisor to ICMA's members so that cities may respond to requests for information on sports facilities and more.
It’s a first-world problem that is getting a lot of attention in the group travel market. A hotel ch...
Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Oh, sure, you’ve heard of them, and you might even dabble in them. But...
Once upon a time, winter sports was looking to “slegooning,” as a new source of income. For a variet...
SnowSports Industries America released an updated list of programs at the 2015 SIA Snow Show at...
The Carol M. White Physical Education Program, a legislative priority for SFIA over the years, received $47 million in funding for fiscal year 2015.
Kids are dropping out of pick-up games. While team sports participation is up in the U.S., it’s risi...
Tampa Bay’s appeal as a sports destination and as a breezy coastal community will be showcased...
Worried about port congestion potentially affecting holiday shipments, the Sports Fitness Industry A...
Grand Rapids' successful bid to host the 2017 State Games of America means more than just the...