In recognition of January as National Mentoring Month, Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA) announces its...
The North Carolina Aquablazers Swim Team will host the 7th Annual National Black Heritage...
The 2009 State Games Of America will be held July 30-August 2 in Colorado Springs, with athletes of...
Many of us think we know all about sports camps. As youngsters, we participated in these camps, and ...
Special Olympics is an international organization. Its events reach millions of people every year an...
As far sports scenes go, there's the Northeast and there's everywhere else. From college to professi...
Intro: We caught up with Lee Todd, Chief Operating Officer for the Special Olympics World Games, jus...
Colorado Springs will once again be the host of America’s largest Olympic-style multi-sport...
Snow and ice sports draw millions of participants every year, not to mention the families and fans w...
A quick perusal of the country's sports map makes one thing abundantly clear to even the most casual...