As Northern California’s Wine Country continued to burn, event organizers ranging from golf club own...
A wide variety of sports events, both individual events and team format, are on tap for this fall in...
In the wake of new research showing participation in youth football increases the risk of brain inju...
You know it's fall when that great match-up, the 5th Quarter Classic, returns to Mobile, Alabama....
Dallas is ready to kick off the State Fair Classic, to be held Oct. 7 at the historic Cotton Bowl...
The Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) will host its 2017 Football Championship...
Halloween comes on a Tuesday this year. Count on the celebrations to start the Friday before, at lea...
For those who have spent hours, and sometimes days, debating whether to go with a natural grass or a...
The Southwest and Pacific Coast regions of the U.S. have much to offer, including a pleasant mix of ...
Once renowned for hosting the Pro Bowl (the National Football League’s annual all-star game at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu for more than 30 years) Hawai'i has fast become a go-to destination for a varie...