Go Wichita Convention & Visitors Bureau Vice President Maureen Hofrenning is one of 40 Kansas...
We depend on doctors to keep us healthy. We depend on dentists to keep our smile looking nice. But w...
Volleyball teams from three states will venture to Abilene this weekend to compete in the USA...
The Redbud Park Softball Fields will be busy this weekend as Abilene and Cooper High School co-host...
Once again, Greater New Orleans has proven its talent and resolve through sports.
Despite the summer events of 2010, the Alabama Gulf Coast Sports Commission (AGCSC) exceeded 2009's...
The convention, tradeshow and special events industries take a monumental leap forward in...
This April, the National Association of Sports Commissions (NASC) will convene its 19th Sports Event...
Managing group lodging reservations can be a challenging process for any event or team manager. As t...
The National Congress of State Games (NCSG) announced today that it has awarded the 2013 State Games...