The American Trail Running Association’s (ATRA) 25th Anniversary Challenge is off and running.
The Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board (VFTCB) has announced strategies to help tourism rebound in the wake of COVID-19.
The Bear Lake Brawl Triathlon takes place on September 19, 2020 at Bear Lake in St Charles, Idaho.
Running with the Law 5K is a 'sister' event to National Night Out. 2020 is the 8th year of the 5K .
Over in Daytona Beach, they’re planning to kick some sand in COVID’s face with a family-friendly and...
In an attempt to ensure a safer race for participants and spectators, the Chickasaw Trails...
The Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour and 3M Half Marathon have created the...
Spartan Trail - Kodiak Ultra Marathons will be held on September 9-13, 2020, in Big Bear Lake,...
The news appeared a year ago: NCAA was putting out its RFPs for championships for multiple sports, t...
Previously scheduled for the Labor Day weekend (Sept. 4-6), the Giant Race Series’ flagship event...