August features the Armadillo 5K, the second event in the 6-event Run Austin Virtual Series created...
The World Triathlon Board approved new dates for two World Cup events that were previously postponed...
The IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ is a four-week long regulated age-group competition designed to...
Monterey Bay Half Marathon organizers announced that the 2020 race, originally scheduled for...
The more things change, the more…well, you know the rest. The debate between parkour (also known as ...
Will cross country running make a return to the Olympics? Maybe not immediately but that’s okay – it...
The event, previously scheduled for Chattanooga, Tennessee, will be presented on June 27, 2021
The virtual Boston Marathon will be complemented by a series of virtual events throughout the second...
USA Triathlon announced the new dates for its Collegiate Club & High School National Championships...
The Los Angeles Road Runners presented by Volvo, has launched its 2020-2021 season.