Really, college football? The National Federation of State High School Associations can pretty much ...
Lincoln has established its reputation as a prime sports destination, boasting great Midwestern hospitality, a small-town feel and excellent sports venues, as well as momentum that keeps building. Fro...
Cities want to leverage fields and stadiums to attract sports tourism. But as the arms race to build...
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology will host India’s World Cup Overwatch team from...
The Rome Tennis Center at Berry College will serve as the host site of the ITA Cup for the next...
BowlTV will expand its collegiate livestreaming schedule in the 2019-2020 season.
The NAIA announced that Lawrence Tech (Mich.) will host the NAIA Men’s and Women’s Bowling...
ITA officials noted the Oracle ITA Masters men’s and women’s finals will air live on ESPN3 and...
The Collegiate Drone Racing Association has opened its call for host sites for competitions.
Wichita has been named one of four host sites for the second annual NCAA College Basketball...