Articles | Sports Destination Management


Negotiating with Hotels: Negotiating Hotel Contracts: Getting It Signed on the Dotted Line

Negotiating Hotel Contracts: Getting It Signed on the Dotted Line

If you are in charge of securing hotel rooms for your tournament, you need the skills of a seasoned negotiator, the legal mind of an attorney, and the...

Fancy Footing: Equestrian and Rodeo

Fancy Footing: Equestrian and Rodeo

Demands for historic Greenwich Park, well-known site of the 2012 Olympic dressage, eventing and jumping competitions were intense: space to accommoda...

Midwest: Playing in the Heartland

Midwest: Playing in the Heartland

Sports, and sports travel, are huge in the heartland. The Midwest consists of 12 states—from Ohio on the east side, northwest to North Dakota, and dow...

Negotiating with Facility Vendors: Effective Negotiations with Facility Vendors: An Industry Insider's Perspective

Effective Negotiations with Facility Vendors: An Industry Insider's Perspective

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and organize your own event after years of paying to participate in someone else’s event. Maybe you’re just wond...

Skate Parks: Adventure Sports in Concrete Form: An Interview with Heidi Lemmon, Founder and Executive Director of Skate Park As

Skate Parks: Adventure Sports in Concrete Form

Some sports are easy to categorize. Field sports -- soccer, field hockey, football, lacrosse, rugby and more -- are discernible by the surface they're...

Senior Games: Bring in the Senior Class

Senior Games: Bring in the Senior Class

Sports events are good business. They encourage health and wellness and generate revenue for the communities that embrace them. But some sports events...

Outstanding Venues: Outstanding U.S. Sports Venues Share their “Wow” Factors

Outstanding U.S. Sports Venues Share their “Wow” Factors

Sports event planners know it takes more than one “wow” factor to make them deem a sports venue “outstanding.” Truly outstanding sports venues are the...

Merchandising Your Event: The Basics of Building a Merchandise Plan

Merchandising Your Event: The Basics of Building a Merchandise Plan

Managing an effective merchandising program for your event does not need to be a daunting task. Once you’ve reviewed all of the factors important to y...

Paddle Sports: Paddles Away

Paddle Sports: Paddles Away

The signs say “Youth/U-23 Canoe Slalom World Championships,” but there are very clearly kayaks in the water. Fortunately, Joe Jacobi, CEO of USA Cano...

The Southwest and Pacific: Something for Everyone

The Southwest and Pacific: Something for Everyone

The Southwest and Pacific regions have this in common: both offer great weather and first-class venues. Made up of states including Arizona, Califo...