White Papers | Sports Destination Management

White Papers


Economic Impact of 2018 CIAA Tournament in Charlotte, North Carolina

The Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association made a significant impact during its basketball tournament in Charlotte, North Carolina.


The U.S. Golf Economy Report

This report presented by Golf 20/20 shows spending and income on the golf industry, providing an economic snapshot of the sport


The Economic Contributions of Winter Sports in a Changing Environment

This analysis discusses what changes we can expect in the future of the winter sports industry under high and low emissions scenarios.


Environmental Impact Study on Artificial Football Turf

FIFA recently performed a study on the environmental impact of recycling synthetic fields. The results of this research are here.



This report ranks the social media performance of 35 international federations of the IOC from March 2017 to February 2018.


Studies on Sustainable Development of Ecological Sports Tourism Resources and Its Industry

Using analysis of ecological sports tourism, researchers examined key resources and proposed a novel model for sustainable development.


Economic Value of the Tournament Black Bass Fishery on Lake Guntersville, Alabama

Lake Guntersville, a well-known black bass fishery in the USA, attracts multiple tournaments. This study shows the economic impact of those events.


2017 Outdoor Participation Report

The Outdoor Foundation’s Outdoor Recreation Participation Report tracks American participation trends with a focus on youth and diversity.


Bringing Mindsports into the Classroom and Beyond

Researchers at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society compiled a research paper on the effects of mind sports.


The Economic Impact of the Florida Sports Industry

This 2017 research report provides a detailed description of the economic impact of various sports upon the State of Florida.