CASL National Soccer Series Begins This Weekend as the Largest Youth Sporting Event...
In June and July of 2010, the world watched with great anticipation (and a heavy dose of skepticism)...
Sports tournament organizers are normally meticulous in planning and attention to detail. Their cons...
At one time or another, every sports event planner and rights holder has had the same nightmare. A s...
Venues have the opportunity to book events from a variety of markets these days: Trade, Commercial, ...
We like things fast. We like our cars fast, we eat our food fast, we connect with our friends fast a...
You're likely already familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a comprehensive di...
For the organizers and planning coordinators of sports travel teams, there are seemingly a myriad of...
In the post 9/11 world, there is no room for complacency. The Department of Homeland Security has id...
Event planning is a complex, challenging thing, no matter what the event. But when sports are involv...